Sunday, July 8, 2012

Getting Closer

Well, we are getting closer to the 2WW.  While I was supposed to be relaxing on the beach in Ocean City I was actually checking email every 5 minutes to see how if our egg collection was successful.  Saturday afternoon I received an email from Dr. Shivani that our wonderful donor had produced 26 eggs of which 21 were mature.  I was ecstatic - I am sure the couple sitting next to me were wondering why I started screaming to Brian that we had 21 eggs.  Here is hoping that Brian's part of the equation does its job correctly and we end up with some wonderful little embryos.  Then a wonderful baby.... please, please, please, please, please!!!


  1. Great number of eggs! Please Please Please Please be a positive for you.

  2. Beautiful number of eggs! Hope our retrieval goes as well!!!

  3. Wow, 21 is an awesome number! Congrats and I hope you get some awesome embryos!

  4. That's excellent! Wishing you the best!

  5. Super number of eggs! That's great, fingers crossed for you x

  6. Everything sounds like it's right on track. That's great! I Hope you had a nice time in Ocean City. It was a good time to be down there with all the heat.

  7. Hoping the great egg collection numbers result in a great Beta numbers. May the rain bring you happiness

  8. What are great extraction! Just a little wait until further good news ;)
