Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bunnies and Hormones

Well, I finally made the first baby purchase!  When my other pregnancies reached 12 weeks I ran out and bought a tiny stuffed animal to put in the nursery.  After the 12 week scans came in last week I ran out and went from store to store until I finally laid eyes on these two cuties...

I ask you - who could resist these two little floppy-eared bunnies?  Just right for watching over sleeping babies.

The other part of this post is to send out a request for information on inducing lactation.  I breastfed both of my older children and I would like to do the same with the twins.  I have read a few articles on inducing lactation without the help of hormones - which is something I want to try.  The other option is hormones and Domperidone (which sort of sounds like fancy champagne).  I figured I would start the pumping within the month and then if nothing comes of it stop and go for the hormone therapy - which is supposed to start 6 weeks before the birth.  Any insight from moms who have tread this path before would be most appreciated.


  1. Very cute bunnies. I'm trying to induce lactatuon down the hormone path, on bcp now until 6-8wks before birth then switch to domperidone (yes does sound like fancy champagne) & herbal supplements and pumping every 2-3 hours. I'm doing it this way as I know my body needs all the encoyragment it can get on stuff like this, but good on you for trying the non meds way first. Am worried how I'll fit pumping in at work-at primary schl but heads very supportive & says we'll find a way. As ling as moons walks in on me, is die of embarassmwnt as most at work no nothing of the surrogacy!! Let me know how you get on. :-) x

  2. Hi , I did induced lactation. I started at 12 weeks of pregnancy and went on the pill and Dom, then 2 months before the twins were born I stopped the pill and started pumping. The Twins are ten moths old and we are still Breastfeeding. (We have always needed to supplement.) I to have breastfed before so it was easier for my body to produce. I wish you happy pumping!

  3. Oh this post makes me wonder again if I should consider it... Guess I'm getting ahead of myself again.

    Love the bunnies. I would not have been able to resist either.

  4. I too induced lactation and went the hormone way and pumping 6-8 weeks before hand.. and successfully breast fed the trio for 5 1/2 months... of course we had to supplement with three of them... but so glad I did and feel that it helped me bond even closer. Good luck and enjoy :)
